Montessori Class 3 - 6

The age class 3-6 is a specially prepared environment where each child can find classes for himself, according to his age and development, independently or under the guidance of experienced and qualified teachers. A specially prepared developmental environment helps children to feel confident in the classroom, which contributes to their individual disclosure.

Children of different ages are in the class - this is no coincidence. Maria Montessori believed that in this way, younger children learn a lot from older ones, and older children acquire leadership and mutual assistance skills. Therefore, the exchange of knowledge between children is much faster and more efficient.

Maria Montessori believed that the age task of a child aged 3-6 is to build themselves through active independent activity. This is a very important period in the life of a child. It was at this time that there was a rise in sensitive periods in its development: speech, sensory, social, and motor, the formation of simple mathematical representations, etc. Therefore, the class environment consists of certain zones.

The first zone is practical life exercises, which helps the child through activity to improve coordination of movements, acquire independence and self-care skills, as well as develop willpower, patience and the ability to complete the work begun.

The second zone is the sensory one, which allows children to refine and improve the perception of the senses. All these materials give the child the opportunity to touch and understand such abstract values as size, length, weight, etc. Thanks to working with these materials, children learn to think logically.

In the language zone, the child expands his vocabulary, gets acquainted with sounds and letters. Learns to independently lay out words using the moving alphabet, write written letters, read words and write phrases. Read texts and parse sentences. Communication between children and adults is conducted in three languages - Latvian, Russian and English.

In the mathematical zone, children master the ordinal count, learn mathematical operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. They acquire operations with multi-digit numbers and automate these skills.

A very important part of the class is the atmosphere of friendship, love, respect for the child and for each other. Teachers conduct interesting conversations with children, introducing them to the outside world. They help the child learn the moral concepts of our society.

Having come to our team, your child will gain the skills of independence and independence, will develop according to the needs of his age. There are two groups of ages 3-6 in our kidergarten: "Ambers" and "Stars".